Opinion on extra recorded voice acting samples?


Founder of The Church of Mawarine Shuu
Defender of Defoko
  • Sometimes people will include extra recordings of voice acted clips to add into songs,

Ex: Their utau introducing themselves, saying things they might typically say, sometimes moaning COUGH

Do you think these are a nice edition to the bank, or are they kind of useless? And what recordings do you think would be the most useful (or just phrases you would enjoy having) to add to a bank?


VocalSynth Enthusiast
Defender of Defoko
oh so like omake folders?
I have no opinion, I don't use omake files

Skiyoshi 十三

Defender of Defoko
I'd find them useful, especially to add little personal tidbits into covers. I remember dling one that had multiple samples of "Thank you for using me!". I thought it was a cute idea. While moaning is a bit off standing to me, I'd like samples of them introducing themselves, a thanks, emotion things (Yay! Hya! Ugh!) and possibly goodbyes.
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