Hm, that's unusual. I used OREMO to record VCCV and it definitely has both _kla and _klA-- Ah, I see. It seems the VCCV reclist handles this by adding a dash at the end of capital letter samples to differentiate them. So you have -la_la and -lA_lA-
This would become slightly impractical if you have 4 different ones with the same problem instead of just two, though. What reclist are you using? It sounds non-standard, potentially your own...?
Also yes, you can use your own VBs in OU. You just need to have an oto.ini that has all the samples listed in it. You can easily generate this by loading your VB in vLabeler or setparam then saving an oto.ini right away, or loading the voicebank once in original UTAU's voicebank configurator.