Public Urschrei Voicebank Download Link?


Momo's Minion
Not related to the Utau software itself, but I've heard really good things about this voicebank. I wanna try and see if I can do a cover with her. Any reliable links will help!


Retired User
Retired User
Defender of Defoko
I googled a bit and found this old forum post link.
The video examples are unavailable and I can't find the user on youtube.
The download link is dead and only leads to spam sites.

Seeing as this is an old voicebank and the condition of the links, it fair to assume they've might have left the utau comunity. The only way to get the voicebank would be to contact any who had him back then that are still active. Though bear in mind this is kinda in a morally gray area as it is uncertain if the creator of the voicebank would permit redisrtibution of the voicebank in any way.

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