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Reclist Directory


Procrastinator Extraordinaire
Defender of Defoko
UTAU Reclist Directory

Not sure where to begin with recording your UTAUloid? Look no further! Below is a list of handy reclists (recording lists) as organized by Halo on the old forums.

Romaji Reclists

Reclist-Romaji - Halo (But it's really just the basic OREMO Reclist translated to Romaji)
reclist-7-renzoku ROMAJI TRANSLATED - Aline supplied it, Aisu made it
Korean Language Reclist. VCV and CV lists included - SANSYO

Hiragana Reclists

Reclist - Unknown (OREMO reclist)

VCV Reclists

Korean Language Reclist. VCV and CV lists included - SANSYO (The same as above, it fits into both categories)
Reclist-7-Renzoku/Ritsus VCV list - Unknown (right click, save as)
Reclist-7-Renzoku-ex - Unknown (extras for the Ritsu list)
Reclist-Renzoku/Tetos VCV list - Unknown  (No idea why you'd want this...)
LOKE-reclist-renzoku/LOKEs VCV list - Unknown (Stand alone, like the Ritsu list, but with shorter recordings)

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Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
take your pick: https://sites.google.com/site/cvvcenglishusts/reclists


Momo's Minion
I made a Spanish VCV reclist! (^ w ^) /

I did it on the basis of the Spanish CV reclist by Yesi-chan (http://camilamelodia.blogspot.com.ar/). I removed some phonemes which I thought unnecessary (as [mua], because it can be made with [mu] [u a]).

I made two versions: one version is "full" and the other is "lite".
•With the full version you can do a full VB (StandAlone).
•Instead, to complete a Spanish VB with reclist lite, it takes complete with a Japanese VCV VB. In this way you get a voice bank bilingual (Japanese / Spanish).
-The Japanese pronunciation does not matter, since it is very similar to Spanish, at least to the Latin pronunciation-

•Full: http://bowlroll.net/up/dl16659
•Lite: http://bowlroll.net/up/dl16660

Also, to complete that, you needed some recordings CV-VC.
This is the reclist that I use (created 100% by me).

If you have any problems just let me know! (I speak English y tambien español :3)

Note: Of course, you have to read the reclist in Spanish. -w-


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
I've written a reclist for Japanese and English, however it probably also supports Spanish and Tagalog. It's not supposed to be released until I finish the bank I record with it.

But.... It's on my deviantart anyway //w\\ http://fav.me/d6850r2

I also have a 7mora VCV standalone list, it's like ritsu but it doesn't have all the unnecessary repetitions.


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
I don't really know if this would be appreciated, but I wrote 2 hiragana vcv reclists. One has efficiency and patterns as its main goal, and the other aims for short strings. I've written a guidebgm for the efficiency list and will probably do the same for the short stringed one. Is anyone interested? Some uses for the short stringed one are recording very whispery banks, or getting your 5 year old sister to remember the whole string.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
awwwwwwn thanks i just want it so i can use the ttsenglish helper thing like i use with teto cos im to lazy for phonetics


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
...Honestly, you shouldn't be relying on that all the time.

It's better if you use it just to teach yourself how words correspond to phonetics, so you can do it by hand in the future. It offers you more control over the pronunciation and you'll have a better understanding of English UTAU.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
sorry again but which one does teto use (sorry for the incapability here) also i knowwwww but imto lazy and incapable to learn english utau stuff hahaha


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Not certain, but it's an older version.
If you're using OREMO to record, you can extract a reclist from a voicebank by loading the folder and choosing the option for exctracting reclist from voicebank wavs in the file menu. This ensures that you have the exact same filenames as Teto, and it would be possible to use the same OTO as a base to start editing from.

But considering the higher quality results from tests of Chezzie's VCCV™ English, it would most certainly be worth waiting for that release and all the guides and tutorials that come along with it.
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Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
i was thinking i might do that also girrafeys new english reclist looks really awesome ideally i would use that but i fear thats a long wait
i use OREMO anyway so ill try work out how to do that reclist steal thing from teto haha TO MANY RECLIST NOT ENOUGH PATIENCE haha i guess ill wait and see what happens

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