Reclist help?


Momo's Minion
I'm wanting to make an Irish Gaelic voicebank for one of my UTAUs, but there's no reclist. I'd like to try making one myself, but I have no idea whatsoever on how to make reclists. So if someone could help me our, or even just make one for me, that would be great.


I'm not familiar with the language, but I have some suggestions for you. Try to figure what type of reclist (CV or CVVC) then identify some basic consonants and vowels. Look up the phonetics of the language. Then try some example phrases to see how well the samples would fit together. Idk.

Ex. my english reclist. I can smoothly make the sentence 'I always love a good kit kat bar' like this: -I Ia al wA Az l7 7v v7 7g g6 6d k1 1t k@ @t ba ar

Just keep experimenting!

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