So I need help naming an UTAUloid...


Momo's Minion
Hullo, sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section.

I just need help naming my utauloid, I think it would be cool to put 歌 in her name as I want her name to be related to music/song but I feel like 音 is starting to get over-used //shot ;;
If I need to provide more information please, let me know.

This is what she looks like
This is what she sounds like



Always Watching You
Global Mod
Defender of Defoko
Iunno if you're looking for a first name, last name or both but some cool words with 歌 in it (sorry if any of these are somewhat incorrect??):
歌詞 (kashi; lyrics)
歌手 (kashu; singer)
歌謡 (kayou; ballad)
歌曲 (kakyoku; tune)
歌姫 (utahime; diva)
歌い上げる(utaiageru; to sing at the top of one's voice)
歌い捲る (utaimakuru; to sing energetically)


Defender of Defoko
Wow, shes super cute! And her voice is pretty, but with an edge, primroses come to mind, and she has a princessly tone imo. Hope these help out!


Living Katsudon
Defender of Defoko
My first thought, going off the flowers in her design, was Hanaka. Normally it's spelled 花香 (smell of flowers) but you could write it 花歌 .

Another one I thought of, although the kanji reading might be a bit of a stretch, was Karin (歌輪、song + counter for flowers).


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Thank you all for such helpful answers! However I'd like to ask @Scottei Does the Meika Misaki mean beautiful blossom or just Misaki/Meika? Also @Tema I was wondering if you could clear things up about the meaning of Karin(歌輪)?


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
She looks and sounds so beautiful *v*

She defiantely suits a Misaki or Mizuki~

Another name is Mizu (みず), which means water~ So maybe like, みず音 (Water Sound) ?


Living Katsudon
Defender of Defoko
Also @Tema I was wondering if you could clear things up about the meaning of Karin(歌輪)?

The ka is just the onyomi for 歌. The kanji I used for "rin" technically means "wheel/ring/loop," but it also has an association with flowers. In Japanese, when you count something, they often use specific words for counting different items. Instead of saying 二つの花 (literally two flowers)、you could say 二輪. If I were to translate 歌輪 as a whole, I'd say something like "a song's worth of flowers."

There are other ways you could write it as well. Karin, in normal Japanese, means quince (short version is it's kind of like a pear, but that link takes you to an article with a bunch of cool facts about it), which in kanji is 花梨。There's also 花凛、which translates roughly to "dignified flower." You could also replace the 花 with 歌 to make it mean "dignified song." (In case you didn't already know, this kanji for rin is also the kanji used for Yuzuki Yukari's power bank Lin).

There are a couple of other ways you could write it but those are probably the best ones and I feel like I rambled on enough now X'P TL;DR version is I really like kanji wordplay