Welcome to the UTAU Hotel. Hope you stay... Forever!
"Brand new!!! Amazing, cheap hotel, rooms for rent! Everything you have ever dreamed, here at the UTAU Hotel, your dream vacation and room is here! Want to go swimming? Join our indoor pool! Want to play with monkeys? That's odd, but here at the UTAU Hotel, you can do anything you want!"
It was a typical day for this typical town... Well, not really.
A new hotel has arrived! A very high class one! Famous UTAUs and Vocaloids are visiting the lobby. You see the Kagamine twins. Wow!
..But, a tragedy has occurred. UTAU Kasane Teto was missing. No one has known what had happened to her since the last hotel was made, but no one really knows about that one.
Yuki Harazoki walked in the lobby, nervously glancing around the room.
"Great..." She thought. "People... And lots of them."
She made her way through the crowded lobby, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room but the man at the front desk, whom she had gotten a room reserved from.
"Here is your room key, ma'am," He said, handing the key to her.
"Thanks," She replied, looking into the man's eyes. For a second, she could have sworn they were red. Oh well. She made her way up the stairs, the elevator being far too crowded and her being too impatient to wait, heading to her room. Sadly, it was located on the top floor. At least there was a great view.
The room was magnificent. Spotless, almost to perfection.
"I could get used to this," She said to herself, flopping down on the bed.
((This is an RP thread for anyone who would like to join! Just please post some character info as followed!
Character name: Yuki Harazoki
Character age: 14
Character Gender: Female
Character occupation(allowed to leave blank) :
Room number: 200
Floor Number (1 to 15): 15
Character appearance(Allowed to leave blank, but it'd be nice for an idea):
You can have more than one character
No God-modding (never dying.)
Please accept if you get killed
Try to last as long living as you can
In the beginning, act like you don't know that you'll die
Be sure to make a team later on!
That's really all there is unless you'd like to add any information about your character! Happy roleplaying!~ ))