UTAU not registering prefixmap


Momo's Minion
I've created prefixmaps plenty of times; this is the first time I've ever had any complications.

Basically; prefixmap is in place. OTO is generated. Files are in subfolders. Aliases all have pitch suffixes. Everything runs exactly as intended when I open the folders as separate voices.

I load them as one unit? Nothing. Doesn't work. I select a note, and when I check the configs, UTAU doesn't even acknowledge it exists. It can't adjust the notes because it doesn't believe I've given it any samples.

I've never encountered this before; I sporadically record 3-4 voicebanks in short bursts, and every prefixmap I've ever made worked fine. I've compared the setup to other files, but it looks just like every other UTAU I have that work without issue? Did I miss something because it's my first time working with CVVC, or using setparam's %a alias command? What mysterious mistake did I make to cause this?

I thought it'd be something obvious, so tried copy-pasting the exact characters the aliases use, no dice. Tried putting it in the voices folder (character file and all), no dice as well. Different UST? Nope!

I don't want to scrap my entire voicebank I spent hours and hours doing nothing but OTO on because only 1 specific result stopped working. :sad:






UTAU English advocate
Retired User
Defender of Defoko
I would start by double checking the sample rate in Audacity or another audio editor. UTAU needs wavs to be at a sample rate of 44100Hz.

Currently, are your pitches all in one folder or separated into separate ones?
If they're merged, double check your prefex map. You have a G3 pitch, I'm assuming, since you have that in the prefixmap editor?

If they're in separate folders, be sure to load the voicebank with a dummy oto.ini file in the same folder as the folder with all the pitch folders. This can just be a blank text file with named oto.ini, but make sure the ini is the file extension and it's not actually oto.ini.txt.


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
I already said the pitches work perfectly fine when I render them individually. I was swapping between them while I worked to check how they sounded as I went. It's only once I introduce them as a parcel it stops working.

They're separated into different folders.

UTAU creates a dummy OTO.ini automatically when the voicebank is loaded. It has one. File is blank.


UTAU English advocate
Retired User
Defender of Defoko
That's really weird. All I can really think of would be double checking the prefix map doesn't have any typos.
Could you maybe screencap the vb folder itself?

I'll think on this for a while and get back to you if I come up with something else.

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