So..I kind of want to boost up my activity on here and make some friends I can talk to more often... The best way that I end up doing it is by roleplaying, but I don't know what I am going to make it about. I know it'd be pretty small, around 5-8 people max because more than that is just...Bad. For me.. @_@; And I don't want it to be something super cliche..I don't know. ;3 ;''
Just..throw some ideas my way? ; v ; I just really want to use Yuumei and stop the boredom... > m<
Also, know that once I get a solid idea and enough people interested, this thread will be deleted and replaced with the actual roleplay and an OOC thread, so try not to get too comfy here. :'D'''''
So, I've got a good few amounts of ideas for a new upcoming roleplay, here's what they are. A vote would be nice to see what we're going to go with. If you're too shy to post it in here, send me a message and I'll tally it up. :3
Virus Taking over UTAU- 3
Fantasy Based-
History Based/Steampunk- 1
Just..throw some ideas my way? ; v ; I just really want to use Yuumei and stop the boredom... > m<
Also, know that once I get a solid idea and enough people interested, this thread will be deleted and replaced with the actual roleplay and an OOC thread, so try not to get too comfy here. :'D'''''
So, I've got a good few amounts of ideas for a new upcoming roleplay, here's what they are. A vote would be nice to see what we're going to go with. If you're too shy to post it in here, send me a message and I'll tally it up. :3
Virus Taking over UTAU- 3
Fantasy Based-
History Based/Steampunk- 1