[UTAU] The Dark Lord's Like a Fawning Girl [Matsudappoiyo edge]


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko

Happy Valentine's Day.

instead of doing anything with the fact my otp got valentine's alts and i pulled both of them, have my favorite manbou song.

Title: The Dark Lord's Like a Fawning Girl (その魔王はまるで恋する乙女のように)
Music/Lyrics: Manbou-Dead-Behind-the-House-P/Takahashi You (家の裏でマンボウが死んでるP/タカハシ ヨウ)
Art: Manbou's Sister/Ryuuguu Tsukasa (マンボウの姉/竜宮ツカサ)
Singer: Matsudappoiyo edge (松田っぽいよ edge)
UST: PandaLolii
Translation and Subs: vgperson