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What does your Utau's name mean?


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
I'm sure threads similar to this have been posted in the past but I thought it would be fun for everyone to share!

I've always enjoyed seeing how people pick the names for their utau whether that be based on their own name/ username (Beccaloid, Jei Crepene) or their design/ theme (Buttnose, Stella Hoshine) etc. so please share your Utau's name and why you picked it!


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Akriel's name apparently means two things from what I've looked up...
"Akriel is the angel of barrenness. He can be called upon for help in cases of stupidity, when reciting verses from Deuteronomy."
"Akriel: An angel who helps people who have problems with infertility. These include conception, sterility, and lack of libido."
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Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
In english Ryuji means Two dragon. But Shikamoto doesn't mean anything. (Unless it's "Shikamo to" then it's moreover door.......honestly I didn't know Shikamo of wasn't an actual Japanese name or surname until now)

As for the origin. My all time favorite video game character's name is Ryudo. He's from a game called grandia 2. I always remember watching my older brothers playing that game and of course me being really young and all I couldn't comprehend the story but the battle system and music kept me entertained. But when I got older and played the game myself. I fell in love with the game even more. And Ryudo became my favorite character not only because of his design but his personality and development as well. I named my channel on YouTube after him and another one of my favorite characters as well. But then eventually I grew out of the "do" at the end and went straight to Ryu...and then later on my friend added Shikamoto as the surname as a joke but it had a nice ring to it and the ji at the end was another friend's idea so the name stuck with me in real life and on my utau (btw I know the name is dangerously close to Ryuji Sakamoto from persona 5 and boy my reaction when I named the main character Ryuji Moto haha)
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Defoko's Slaves
Defender of Defoko
(This is long, I'm sorry)

Yuri's first name came from an OC named Lily (just Lily, she had no surname at the time). I wanted to make that character into an UTAU, but once I remembered "Lily" was the exact name of a Vocaloid, 12-year-old me decided "welp, you can't do that anymore" and translated it into Japanese. Yuri looks nothing like her now, ironically

Her first surname was Konne. It was supposed to mean "mixed sound" because she had a mix of hair colors and because it was a personal joke regarding how bad she sounded. Unfortunately, my understanding of Japanese was beyond horrific at the time, so it was grammatically incorrect. I kept it until I discovered Yuuto Konseine, who uses the correct surname, and then decided "welp, you can't share that surname, but you also can't keep this disaster... time to find a new one!"

The day before I turned 13, I chose Tamaki as her new surname because of the ring she wears in every design (and because it can also mean "circle of friends"). I found out later that if the kanji is pronounced as "tamaki," it's actually a bracelet and not a ring/circle. The pronunciation for that is "wa."
But I really didn't want to call her Yuri Wa, so this name stuck!


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
Oh, Anutsu! Her name, when in kana, (あんうつ) translates to gloom, depression, despair, etc.
She's actually a happy little bean! I just like irony too much. lol. Besides, her name is pretty :-D
Her last name is self explanatory :-P
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Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
It means "stormy loud noise." I picked it because I wanted her name to be a phrase of some sort. When I was first picking potential names her last name was going to be "Arashine" (which I think changed to avoid "ne" but I'm not sure) and two other potential names were Effra and Aurore because she was originally gonna be a French utau but 2017 me didn't realize what that would entail. I also briefly considered having her first name as Hurricane because her current name is/was similar to the old name of an utau that I think is in the process of being revamped (but the utau itself isn't used/switched names anyway) so I went back to Stormy as her first name.

Ok well originally she was an entirely different character who was only a "What if I made an utau wouldn't that be fun" but these were the names I thought of when actually committing to making the utau
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UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Dominic's name was originally Mito Souzou, a derivative of Mita Souzou. "Mita" because I thought it sounded nice, and "Souzou" because it's what Google Translate spat out for "creation" :P The theme was that she was an author, and anything she wrote in her notebook became real.
I later changed his name to Dominic Schöpfer. "Dominic" because it's a common-ish name, and "Schöpfer" because it's what Google Translate gave me for "creator". He's very much into the DIY/maker scene, someone like William Osman or Sushiramen Riku.
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The Voice Within Us
Defender of Defoko
VoXenuS' name comes from my conworld, and one of its conlangs. It's the name of the Deity of Emotion and it means 'The Voice Within Us'. He uses it as his stage name, but goes by Hikaru Yami to the general public (it was the name he was given when he was found as a child) which means 'Shining Darkness', which goes hand in hand with the strange abilities he developed as he grew older.
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Kuku Klock

Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Oof. Toomany children but i'll do simple things and NOT go into the reasoning behind the names. Otherwise I'd have to make my own thread lol. But some are NOT here cause I either co-own them or don't have anything planned for them ewe.

Kurayami Hikari- Darkness Light
Akumu Musou- Nightmare Dream
Akihiko Tsukikage- Bright Prince Moonlight
Ren and Ran Masako- Lotus and Orchid Flourishing Child
Kawa Kyuusho- Hidden Secret
Kasa Iroai- Shade Hue
Ichiro "ONE WAY"- First Son
Akira Hikari- Bright(or Light)(depends on which character is used) Light
Hi5gi-(I dont remember exactly which language the orginal name is from but i do remember it meaning something like "Glitch/Complex")
(Akki Tenshi)-Demonic Angel
Kurushimi Tanoshimi- Pain Pleasure
Terenzio Tanoshimi- Twist/Rub/Turn Pleasure
Xiuhcoatl(Xiu) Tanoshimi- Fire Serpent (Beautiful) Pleasure
Tiziana Tanoshimi- Of the Titans Pleasure
Sinnabun- Play on Cinnabun.
Kamenwati(Lux/Shimi) Tanoshimi- Dark Rebel (Light/Tainted) Pleasure
Athena- (Of course named after the goddess of war)
Lilith Mai-Of the Night Plum
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Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Kimi-"Beautiful story" or "Righteous child"
Yamamoto-"(one who lives) in the mountains" or "at the foot of the mountain"

There's no reasoning behind me picking those names I just liked them lol. Fun fact I had actually found her first name on a baby name website that doesn't exist anymore. The surname was random.
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Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
I don't really have a reason for the names of my released utau(s?) but I have some for my unreleased utau(s?).
Zao Buttermelt- Her first name, Zao, was thought of when I was doodling hetalia characters and their 2ps (basically like those opposite edgy characters in like every fandom), and I thought of China (Yao)'s 2p, who's named Zao. I thought he was a jerk, but I liked his name, so I kept it for this utau. Her last name, Buttermelt, was thought of when I was making mac n' cheese. It just kinda stuck, as every time I'm working on her, I make mac n' cheese coincidentally.
Künstlerisch Rosa- Since this utau would (hopefully) be my first non-Japanese voicebank, and be in my fourth attempted language, German, I decided to name her with words in german. It would pretty much translate to my (shortened) username (btw I thought of this username when I was 10 years old and I've kinda stuck with it since. This username now has a google search page thanks to me. Ain't that neat? btw the username I'm talking about is ArtsyP!nkDreamer, the unshortened version of my username), Künstlerisch meaning artsy, and Rosa meaning pink. Simple, but it works.
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Teto's Territory
Oh my, where do I begin? Bunta Daichi was originally named Buru Hato, a *very* butchered way of saying "Blue Heart" in Japanese. I chose this because he was supposed to be a very emotional UTAU and he had a LOT of blue in his design. I scaled it down a notch and gave him a better name. I don't think Bunta Daichi means anything.


Teto's Territory
lanceLOTTE - Derived from "Lancelot," Knight Of Arthurian legend. It's of French origin, and means "servant."

ƒERRERO - Italian surname meaning "smith", similar to "herrero" in Spanish. Inspired by "Ferrero Rocher" hazelnut chocolates. the ƒ symbol in their name--meaning loud in musical notation--also appeared twice on their corset.

PÄN - Shortened portmanteau of "Panis Angelicus(Bread Of Angels)", a Gregorian chant. Also based off of Pan, Greek god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs.

ピの木坊 (
Pinokibou) - - Contains two kanji: 木(ki), meaning tree, and 坊(bou, bō), meaning "priest"(or "boy") and is the suffix of most tengu's names, such as Sōjōbō (僧正坊), Tarōbō (太郎坊), Jirōbō (二郎坊), etc). Suitable translations of "ピの木坊" are "Tengu of the 'Pi' Tree" or "'Pee Tree Boy". Also inspired by Pinocchio, fictional animate puppet and protagonist of Italian novel The Adventures Of Pinocchio, whose name means "pine eyes".

BOOM! Fanfic-a-latta!

Momo's Minion
Yuri (NOTE: currently unreleased) is Japanese for my name, Lily
SAIS is both in reference to the weapon (three-pronged dagger) and an acronym that means Singularity Artificial Intelligence System


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
My Existing UTAU, Hana Sakura's name means Cherry Blossom Tree. (Intentional)
My WIP UTAU, Hanakai Kuroyashi's name means Flower Society. (NOT INTENTIONAL)(Last name doesn't translate.)


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
j-lyn is just jalen, but spelled funky. i had no idea what it meant until like 3 seconds ago, and it's likely from "galen" meaning healer/tranquility....that doesn't fit at all lol

mirac13 isn't released yet and her name is pretty self explanatory, but the 13 is because the numbers fit pretty well and she's a robot girl (and i first tried to make her when i was 13 woops)