I don't like SUPER specific liking of other Voices (vocaloid/cevio/utau/etc...) like: HI I"M ______ AND I DON'T Like ______. Now likes/dislikes can be interesting, Tree likes Food (in general) and cute things, but then I'd specify things he likes MORE than those things, but still fall into the categories, for instance he likes cute things, and Red Pandas, Corgis, and Tin, so he likes a lot of things but he likes (redpandas corgis and Tin) over the rest of the category. Dislikes are the same way when I create an utau's profile/personality. IT REALLY ANNOYS ME WHEN THEY ARE INTENTIONALLY SUPER PERVY/ PROVOCATIVE, unless they have an ironic or funny part of their personality or physical traits(I.E. Macne Nitton has HUGE boobs, and she likes grabbing other boobs, to me it's funny, but I still don't REALLY approve but it's not my opinion that matters).