ZetaBoards archive unavailable


Jellie Bellie Pete Rat Gummie Candie
Defender of Defoko
I was searching for my Latin reclist in the forum, but didn't find it. I though that it's maybe at the ZetaBoards forum, but when I went to utaforum.com, I've got a squatter site insterad of the forum. Can you retrieve the ZB archive for me?


Technical Admin
Defender of Defoko
Part of the reason we had to leave ZeraBoards was because we lost control of the admin interface.

I will give Myst a poke to see if anything can be recovered but I am doubtful.


Procrastinator Extraordinaire
Defender of Defoko
Seems when I lost the .com domain, zetaboards got hijacked with it.
I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: Just got it fixed! Zetaboards can be accessed at http://s4.zetaboards.com/International_UTAU/index/