OREMO and SetParam Error


Genderless Goon
Global Mod
Defender of Defoko
I recently got a new computer that runs on Windows 10. I just got all my program installed and I downloaded both Oremo 3.0 English and SetParam 3.0 English. I tried to open them but both of them gave me errors (which I included the screenshots for below)

OREMO error: http://prntscr.com/aez69j

SetParam error: http://prntscr.com/aez6vz

If someone could help me with this, that would be great!


Outwardly Opinionated and Harshly Critical
Defender of Defoko
In addition to what Ecchi has said, sometimes changing your locale back from japanese, rebooting, and then back to japanese and rebooting can fix it.
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Genderless Goon
Global Mod
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Ay! I knew I was forgetting about something when I was setting everything up. Thanks guys!

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