"Bacterial Contamination" (feat. Kenji Baionoto) Cover Art Needed!


DEX's Voice Provider. Woah.
Defender of Defoko
I am absolutely, totally brain dead on what to draw for a cover of that song.
Particularly cause I don't want to draw Kenji with insect features. =A=;
I mean, no, I had an idea for it, I just can't /execute/ it myself.

I was thinking of making a picture of Kenji, one half in a school hallway looking all sad and stuff, maybe some smirking faces to denote the "spreading rumors" the song mentions, and the other side looking kind of demented, demonic, and evil-looking (like the PV's world, maybe)... however the catch is, is that instead of the right side's eye being red entirely, both eyes would be red instead of their usual blue. 

And since I want to do a video for it, I would actually need two pictures, except I would cut them apart at the half-way point (landscape wise) and flip them when needed.
Itsreallyhardtoexplain OTL

But it would be really awesome if someone could help me with this! ;w;//

here's an almost-finished version of the mix... (whichmoreorlessi'mjustusingtogetmorepeople'sattentiontodraw, causesomepeopledon'twanttheirarttobeusedincrappycoversorsomething)


Since I'm looking for a particular style, you'll need to link me your deviantART first if you want to help...  Makes things harder for me, actually... notthatthatisaproblem
Don't be offended if I say no if I don't want you to help! ;w;//  I'm just looking for something particular...


Ruko's Ruffians
Um, I'm not sure if my style would be exactly what you're looking for, but if so I'd be happy to help out. ;v; (I love this song haha. xD)

My dA is neon-virus.deviantart.com as well. ^^


DEX's Voice Provider. Woah.
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
oooh. ;w;//  I really would like something like that... eee that would be nice.  Yes, please, lol. ;w;


Ruko's Ruffians
Oh, no problem, I'm happy I can help~ ;v;
Um, when I've finished sketching would you like me to PM you want they look like before I start coloring etc.?

And also just to clarify a little bit, did you say wanted two separate pictures? Sorry I was a bit confused on that part, I just wanted to make sure. ^^


DEX's Voice Provider. Woah.
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
two separate pictures, however they would be the same with different facial expression / different background...  If you know what I mean.  Its hard to explain... lol;

Yes, PM them to me, that would be great.