celb utaus


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
ok so i have seen an awesome lady gaga utau called gagapoid and i wanted to know if anyone was planing to make more. I kind of make an amy lee one and call it leealoid ,evasaloid, or somthing like that. if any else was going to make on that would be cool even if we cant put them out for download.


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Technically, those are illegal. You cannot make an UTAU of a person's voice without their consent. And you certainly cannot distribute the banks. If you want someone to voice an UTAU you'll have to ask them.

The reason that things like gagapoid and hetaloid exist is because those banks are not up for distribution or download.


Teto's Territory
Rules and regulations: Do not add plagiarized characters, voice banks sourced from commercial artists and voice banks sourced without permission of the voice donor/source. UTAU usage policy also forbids voice banks taken from another brand of voice synthesis software without permission. (The only exceptions to this rule are Macne Families, FL-chan and Iku Acme; Voice sources/software/plugins deemed royalty-free are allowed.)

Gagapoid's existence is illegal but as long as someone does not distribute the bank, Ameya won't get into too much trouble. But I still think making a voice bank without consent of the voicer wouldn't be good idea.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
didn't I just say "even if we cant put them out for download"


Momo's Minion
Defender of Defoko
tetodash said:
didn't I just say "even if we cant put them out for download"
yes but the rule itself is don't do it at all
they're just saying that the download makes the situation worse

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