Does the owner effect your usage of an UTAU?


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
I'm wondering since...I'm /really/ noticing many "HEY LET'S ALL USE RANDOM UTAU" signs, but...then lots of counterarguments. And aside from quality, I read a few people give regard to the UTAU's owner.

Soo, do you have bias toward UTAU in any relation to their owner?
Hands down, most users have bias for their own because it's /their's./ You guys can ignore that, don't try to say otherwise honestly? (Especially if I find ONLY your UTAU on your channel....)...of course, I'm not bashing the fact? We just tend to do that as whole know? XD

But there are friend's UTAU's, UTAU's belonging to certain "more well known" users type of thing, using Japanese user's UTAU's more but also, do you only use an UTAU if the user is nice or stop because you they're not how you thought they were? Aahh, I think you guys get the point? If you do or not, and to whom if yes? Why, even? Or...I don't know, anything related to this! Anything opposing too I guess. uvu

I do have bias.. for friend's UTAU because half the time, all I have time for are gifts. XDD But honestly, I liiiike to think I use a fair variety. :'D But, example, I use those of idols too like Mmattsun. T A T I mean, her UTAU are really good too but.. I think I love them more because I really adore her talent. ;A; I guess a few that have no relation to their owner are like Kakoi Nizimine, Sorane Rana...and others that I just stumbled upon that are HQ. uvu
But in defense to anyone of that situation to using some that are considered more well known, obviously since it's easier to figure out they exist you know? And if they're good, they're good of course. XD



Teto's Territory
For the most part, I don't care, but if I don't like someone or they don't like me, I won't use their UTAU. If it's the first case, why the hell should I help spread their name? If the second, it might draw hate. Like, "Who does she think she is? Does she really think we can be friends or something? w"


Always Watching You
Global Mod
Defender of Defoko
Considering I'm not well known yet, I've no bias against any other UTAU users & their UTAUs.

I treat all UTAUs that aren't mine the same: with the utmost respect. I make sure they sound their best, because even if for some reason an owner doesn't like me, anyone would feel good that their UTAU was used, and sounds pretty decent. I try not to choose UTAUs based on the owner, but on how that UTAU sounds & if/how it'll fit with my collection hurr.


Teto's Territory
Mostly, if someone irritates me I won't use their UTAU (although there are only like two people who I don't really like). And I don't really have friends with their own UTAU so I don't have much bias that way either. xD;; I admit though that I look at people who I think I might get along with and use theirs too xD;; Uh...And also I'll consider using the UTAU of people who actually talk to me once or twice...;; Other than that I'll choose whatever sounds good via random-number-generator or random samples on YT...


I guess the creator's popularity helps with usage, because the more people that know of the UTAU, the more likely it is for someone to use them. Also, yeah, despite the fact one shouldn't have prejudice against one's UTAU because -for the most part- they're separate than their creator, it doesn't mean that it won't be neglected because of such. Admittedly, I have a type of bias against a certain UTAU user, who I won't mention for courtesy's sake, and I don't use their UTAU at all -despite actually having them downloaded, I haven't touched the bank.

I typically don't use overseas voicebanks too often although I've been trying to get more into the community. I don't know very many overseas, aside from more popular ones. Also, I usually use voicebanks I love listening to, or that I think will fit a specific song.

These are the only Overseas UTAU I've used:
Camila Melodia
Celestine Aoi
Chihara Koji
Kenta Chikune
Kiki Okashine
Makune Hachi

I feel a bit detached from the community, since I don't have a released UTAU, and that is a HUGE part of the community. Maybe if I feel closer to it, make more friends, etc, I'll use more overseas. (I support supporting your friends.)

Yue Nagareboshi

Senior Tutor
Senior Tutor
Defender of Defoko
Hmmmm I think the "use random utau" came from a post at utauloidconfessions blog at tumblr... it was kinda "controversial".

To me I use mostly UTAULOIDS who's quality seem to be pretty good and with a really well pronunciation. Ironically, some of them are my friend's UTAULOIDS also.

On my list there are also some JP-loids which have some interesting features that I like, for example Kion Yura's gothic design and deep and strong voice.

I have done some mixes for others in the past (again friends utauloids).

My usage also has a strong point on the relationship or the concept I have of the voice author. If the user is attention-seeker or a plain evil person.... I just avoid the voicebank at al cost, not matter how well developed and HQ it is. Some of these banks are pretty loved in the community, but to me is like "whatever..."

I dont like using random UTAULOIDS with doubtful quality, pronunciation, design, and even voice (I have encountered illegal voicebanks this way), so I prefer to stick around serious users.


Teto's Territory
I'm friends with all the Overseas UTAU I like and use. Not friends with any of the Japanese/Koreans that I like, though (Except melo but I rarely talk to her..). I dunno I just use an UTAU that I like. That's all it is for me, really.


Ruko's Ruffians
I'm so bad about this. I only ever seem to use my and my friend's UTAUs...

/terrible person

I think I might give a bank a pass if their creator wasn't very nice or rather elitist though...


DEX's Voice Provider. Woah.
Defender of Defoko
well, unreleased wise (never have art lol) I dabble with all the UTAUloids I have downloaded, which range from friends to randoms to ones people link me.
Of course most of these UTAUloids have a quality threshold that I almost always /require/ to be on my computer.

I've used the following UTAUloids, myself (excluding my own)

Janyori Doremine
Hayao Misakura
Aiko Kikyuune
Bow Asane
Tow Baion (New guy that I got linked to recently by Aline, you can probably guess why she linked me)
Rou Kemonone
Giga Lacan
Luna Ichine
Kenta Chikune
Siena Kotone
Miko Ooka
Tomi Samura
Tony Yonne
Majin Tsume
Sora Suiga
Ron Keine
Kazuko Yonagine
Kaen Shujoteki

Aaand most of them I used because they sounded good.  Kenta was one of my first usages due to being new (and at the time he had a romaji bank that I was able to use on my non-kanji compatible computer), same for Luna (though she still sounds nice currently, lol).  Myst and I talk to each other a lot so I pop open her voicebank a lot when Myst wants me to test something.  That's really it... XD


Defender of Defoko
I'm a very relaxed person, I don't get annoyed or hate people easily; I mean this is the internet, it's pointless for me to be bitter against a person I don't actually "know". When using UTAU I look at voice quality and design. If I find them interesting and good quality I'll use them regardless of UTAU owner, but I also like to use my friends UTAUs and the people I'm familiar with; for a sense of bonding and feeling of gratitude I guess you could call it? Ho ho ho.


Precious Flower with Thorns
Defender of Defoko
Well I do tend to use my own and my friends UTAUs more so than just "random" UTAU because I'm familiar with their voices and in fanfiction cases their personalities. So they tend to be much easier for me to work with. And we're friends...and it's just always nice to know that there's always going to be someone besides you who'll use your UTAU, right? XD
However, my duet project last year did involve me jumping into the fandom and quite literally picking UTAU at random with the exception of Onomichi who happened to belong to my first friend -nod- Which then led to me making friends with half of the users whose UTAU I used. XD So probably now it doesn't look so random but it really was back then lol

I think there's nothing wrong with using your friends UTAU. Especially if you like them. I's just one of those nice friendly things you do for them and you're probably more comfortable with using their UTAU versus a random one you might mess up on ;u;

That being said and out of the way I think the more the user is involved in the community the more their UTAU has a chance at being used by total strangers.  I mean don't be an attention sex worker or a serious jerk about it just...mingle. Talk to people, join in discussion threads(like this one!), make a group project that has a lot of UTAU in it(besides your own I mean). I feel like the more one tastefully makes themselves known the more people will learn about their UTAU and the greater the chance someone else will use it.

It also helps if the user is just overall kind to the rest of the community in my honest opinion.
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Momo's Minion
Simply put, I think there has to be a reason why I'm using the UTAU I'm using, whether I like the UTAU's voice, or the owner and I see it as sort of gifts and thank yous to the people I am friends with for being there.

In any case, the "random UTAU" thing is totally stupid, for a lack of better words because it's just someone's butthurt that people are not just willy-nilly choosing unknown UTAU to use by the chance that it's theirs that is picked. If you want your UTAU to be used, get into the community, work on the quality of your UTAU, etc...

The owner of UTAU certainly affects who I like and dislike from association, but I can appreciate it if the UTAU is good quality; I just won't use him/her if their creator is a pain, though I don't think it has come down to that since I don't really care about arguing about anything in this fandom lol.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
I mostly just use my friend's UTAU if not my own... I think once I came across an UTAU I liked for his voice, which was very unique, and so I asked the creator to download because I really liked the voice. I hope i find UTAU like this more often, but I know it makes people feel nice when you say you like a UTAU so much you want to use them, even if you don't know the creator!

Robin Tair

Momo's Minion
I Generally  use  UTAU that I like the quality of or are good friends  of mine.
But I like to join random UTAU-using  projects too, just to see if I can find any UTAU that tick  my "OMG SO ADORBS" box.

I don't really avoid  using any unless their owner is like, utterly horrid to me personally.
I'm allergic to BS so even if their UTAU is amazingly  done.. I'll still try to avoid contact with that person. I'll watch videos of UTAU, but I won't  use it.


Momo's Minion
Defender of Defoko
i generally do like using friends' utauloids,but that's because i want theirs to spread
i mean of course i will use random utaus and well known
it just kinda depends


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Yue Nagareboshi link said:
Hmmmm I think the \"use random utau\" came from a post at utauloidconfessions blog at tumblr... it was kinda \"controversial\".

Well...xDD That was apart of the more recent stuff? But I've been seeing posts ever since I joined UTAU. XD


Icon by Wanpuccino @ DA
Defender of Defoko
I will use UTAUloids when their voices are to my tastes.
If their creators attitudes need an adjustment, I won't /not/ use them out of spite, but I do notice it effects my ability to enjoy their voices as much as I would usually.


Teto's Territory
It does negatively, but not positively...

If I use an UTAU, that generally means I like the UTAU enough to want to use them. I won't use UTAU I don't like just because somebody is my friends, but generally I'm a fan of my friends' UTAU so it's never a problem LMAO

However if there's somebody who's personality clashes with mine, or somebody who's wronged me or any of my friends, or even is just a little bit of a jerk to everybody overall, I absolutely will not use that UTAU. Why should I put effort and time and work into an act of kindness who treats me like trash, or my friends like trash, or everyone in the community like trash?

Generally I just use the UTAU I like and that's that lol.


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
Personally, it depends...

I focus more on the voice, but I cannot deny links play a part into it (both of love and hate, though I always admire or hate an UTAU before to know if the author is an amazing person or the last of bitches/arseholes)

For example, I recently began to use one UTAUloid more and more because his voice picked my attention and truely pleases my ears~ I admit his author (an Overseas friend) is truely kind and adorable x'3

A mellow and attractive voice ~ *w* Moreover, this UTAU tends to blend well with the others~ He even does with my UTAU whereas I was anxious about it -her voice sounds so harsh half of the time... but finally, it seems to end up well~

Finally, I'd add it's due to my will to get them being more recognized than they are for some of them because I'm sure -well, after that's personal so sorry if I don't sound enough objective- they have potential, are worthy and they should be used instead to get ignored

... Gah, I should use more UTAUloids TwT"'


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
Yes. I won't use an UTAU if the owner is a jerk, but I grow to admire UTAUs with nice owners. Although I must admit that a nice user will not change my opinion of a horrible UTAU.