Gunna have fun at UCLA ;)


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
UCLA and UTAU start with U, have an U, and one straight-ish letter.
;D I'm going off to college soon, and I figure I should focus on college as opposed to UTAU.

Anyway, I have been on hiatus from UTAU for a while now, but I figured I'd make it official. I released Anaka's newest bank, and I have no plans to record anymore banks.

I have no plans for original songs.

I have no UTAU related plans, and for my own mental health I'm planning on just pretending I never UTAU'd and never do it again, at least until some break of some sort.

If you want to contact me, my contact information is kind of plastered all over the internet.

If you're in LA and you want a meet up, just send me an email.

I'm subscribing to this thread via email, so if anyone has any burning questions and can't be bothered to find a better venue to ask it, I'll check back in here.

Otherwise . .. later ya'll.
I'd tell you to have a great uta-life, but Hoke taught me that.