

Momo's Minion
Hello to who ever reads this ovo!
Just gonna jump right in and say that I am Makoto. Or what other people like to call me, Syl, Night,eilan, goldfish- list kinda goes on, ffff. So at this point I do not care what I'm called anymore, but most people call me Night, so that's the most I respond too. heh.

I am a male, so yeah- ; v ; ) / That means I so far have only had male UTAU's as my main.
I have voiced alot of utau's over my 5 year rain on UTAU. Yet I have quit UTAU for a good 3-4 years before picking it back up again in 2015.

I currently have 3 UTAU's that are released, which are
  • Beau Lou beau bls.png
  • Kazuya Ishiikazya.png
  • AVIxxxx.png
All art (C) xXSyl ;v; (me)

And I think that's all so far I can think of. uwu" So-yeah thanks for reading!
Have any questions- you know what to do //pats