Voicebank Hana Asane

Description of UTAU Asane Hana


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Miramiee submitted a new Showcase Item:

Hana Asane

While simultaneously being extremely rude, cheeky and very sarcastic, Hana maintains an ironic lax and elegant composure. She enjoys teasing others using weak points but fails to remain calm and composed when and if this happens to her. She's all talk no bite but has a serious cussing problem.

Very close to Denatsu Sora as they are supposed to be roommates or good friends, but have a tendency to brutally tease each other (though it's usually Sora on the receiving end). The two are known to have very powerful and explosive singing styles and were once active duet partners.

Hana is part of a 6 UTAU group called 9TM, a parody name, and an inside joke between its founders. Also in this group are Denatsu Sora, Haneon Akari, Hakone Shima, KIEI, and Hatsu Mani.

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