Hello again...


Teto's Territory
(...friend of a friend, I knew you well.)

I'm a ghostlike lurker from the forum's 1st gen... with the white background and purple-pink piano rolls?
I have an UTAU named 外国音ヒカル。
You don't know me for that.
You prolly know me as the UTAU-Synth English Translation Patch lady.
As soon as this new version of the forum makes it out of beta, I'll make a thread for it again.
Be sure to hit me up with a message whenever UTAU-Synth updates so that I can update the patch, alright?

College is... interesting so it's good to be semi-back.

P.S. Smeen is a nerd and I am that "very cute girlfriend". Yes.


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
You are a life-saver! That UTAU-Synth patch saved my laptop from being thrown at the wall!


Ask me about Synthesizer V
Defender of Defoko
Oh wow, you were the one that patched Utau-Synth for English? You must have saved many a user |'D
Welcome back!