Hello There, I am UTAsuki


Teto's Territory
Hi, my name (or at least username, lol) is UTAsuki. You can call me Mito for short. I am a HUGE fan of Five Nights at Freddy's and UTAU, but no one near where I live knows what UTAU is. I had trouble making an account here in the past, but now I'm here. If I seem like a jerk at times, I just don't know how to act on a social website or forum, so hopefully you guys can teach me. I like drawing, making ocs, and otoing (Idk why, it's just so fun). I always find a way to credit whoever I need to, and I include everything necessary.
I don't think I'll be that popular ever, but this may make a difference, so that I have at least 10 close friends or something. I have, in all, 8 utau characters planned. 2 of the utaus are already recorded and in the process of being oto'd (Mirika and Kenou Nasaka), 3 utaus being recorded (ReiKa Lee, Aro Rydin, and B-Akasa Tana), and 3 utaus in oc stage (Midori Raiko, Galaxia Medori, and Tiffy Cenka). I may rerecord Mirika, but as far as that, I personally think Kenou is the closest to completion. I have a Deviantart account (Mitosuki-Chan), aaaand... that's about it.
That was my introduction, sorry if it was too long or anything, I'm very new to forums. Thanks for reading!