Issue with clearing flags


Momo's Minion
Hi everyone! I need some help.

So, you know how some USTS come with the pre-utterance, flags, STP, etc. filled in with the notes? (It's usually on VCV usts, but I've found them on CV ones, too.) Well, because of that, it usually makes the utau I use sound odd. (odd pitching of samples, muting part of sample [For example, if your utau sang 'na', it would only play the 'a'], and unnecessary muffling of samples.)

So people say to clear them! And I've tried!

I select all of the notes,

go to region property,


and when I try to clear the flags, nothing is there???

However, whenever I select a single note,


There are pre-utterances, STP, etc....


If it's alright, I'd really like it if someone were to help me with this... It's super frustrating! I've tried everything I can to try and fix it, but nothing works...

Thank you for reading!!!


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Although the Preutterance, Overlap, and STP boxes don't look like they have any numbers in them when you select everything, the ones you've taken a screenshot of are not clear. You can tell because the boxes are gray, which means that there are numbers in there, they just aren't the same for every note.

In order to clear Preutterance and Overlap, you should press the 'Clear' button there. As a result, the Preutterance and Overlap boxes should turn white, which means they're clear. As for the STP, you should double-click in the STP box. It should turn white as well, which means it's also clear.

I hope that helps!

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