Jonghyun UTAU


Arsloids Guardian
Defender of Defoko
So as the title said, Shawols (SHINee fandom) have had a terrible december last year in 2017

and to this day some people are still grieving in the death of Jonghyun, I myself have went into deep depression because of his death, I spoke with other fellow shawol's about this project, and I came to a conclusion to dedicate a private UTAU for Jonghyun, No profit will be made whatsoever, and will only use this UTAU to make song covers on fan requested songs.

Jognhyun was a very strong person, he dealed with depression for long time, until he met his end in December 18, 2017, he left messages for Shawols everywhere to be strong for him, to not feel bad for him, to continue to enjoy life. Jonghyun would also speak and comfort those who had depression, , he would always smile for his fans, and his message to the kpop community was a huge impact.

So please help me and my fellow Shawols on this project

I will leave the google form here to select the first song to be covered
and I will also share the playlist of the songs in the form



Here is the link to my fan account on instagram
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Arsloids Guardian
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Any questions? feel free to ask! I will gladly answer all your questions
and first of all, yes the voice bank is complete :smile:
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