Voicebank Jubel


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
KitsuneofMusic submitted a new Showcase Item:



Up near a village close to the unforgiving mountains, lives the light android JUBEL. For years JUBEL has had full control of the village's residents, forming his own cult to worship the android. He sits upon his church domain, constantly wanting attention and entertainment from his human followers. They do as he please, just as long as JUBEL stays entertained and merciful. Getting on his wrong side would cost a villager their life.

During his reign of the village a small few of rebels have tried for years to knock down JUBEL from his throne, but sadly to no avail. The android lacked in mercy towards the humans who defy him. As more of the rebels lessened, the villagers stopped any attempt to defeat JUBEL.


JUBEL thinks of himself as absolute. His early, developing mind was constructed with the idea of him being a god.

For many, many years JUBEL has kept on to this idea and settled onto this village that he had tricked into thinking he was such a god. Despite his hatred for humans, he never did mind the raw attention they would give him for thinking he was a deity.

As so he loves the attention, and if someone stepped out of line they would be disposed of quite quickly. He easily gets annoyed and highly volatile with his emotions whenever talked back to in the slightest. JUBEL also enjoys his time lurking around the village to make sure nobody decides to leave his established cult.

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