Looking for artist to draw my UTAU (~^w^)~

Alice Sparks

Momo's Minion
Hi! I'm currently looking for someone who would be willing to draw the concept art for my UTAU~!
Her name is LuLiLa MAI, here is some information about her...

Name: LuLiLa MAI
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5''
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye color: Left = Pink, Right= Blue
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Loose pigtails similar to that of Yuziki Yukari (Though she is inspired by MAIKA)

I would deeply appreciate it if someone did this for me~! Seeing that I'm not that good at line art or rendering... ;w;

P.S. You can put her in any sort of outfit that you would like, all I ask is that it incorporates hearts~! (^w^)

Contact me:
Email: tuneproducer@gmail.com
Skype: BriochexLover