Looking for Voicer


Momo's Minion
I'm looking for a voice for my latest utau design Omochako Tika (AKA Tinker)


background Info: Tika is a toy magician who likes to perform tricks, unfortunately he's slightly defective, and could not perform tricks like he was supposed to, so instead he sings. no one really notices him sing, seeing that he's only a foot tall and has ribbon blocking sight of his mouth.

Voice Type: boyish, he's a toy so it'd have to be something toy sounding, it can be from little kid to mature I won't mind either. I'd like his voice to sound slightly dark because he looks like he could pull it off ouo. he's genderless due to his toy factor, but i'd prefer a more male sounding voice.

if interested put a sample when you reply or pm me

p.s. if I find an example o what kind of voice I would like I'll post it here


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Great Great Great~ ouo
if you could send me a sample so I can see if you have the voice I'm looking for I would really love that~