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Massive Problem with Cadencii


Teto's Territory
So I have Cadencii for 2 years now and I'm kinda angry about the program. I crawled into the depths of Google and searched for a Cadencii tutorial but everything I did won't work or is already made by me. A user announced that an update is released for Cadencii, guess what? Even after the update it doesn't work! I'm giving up on this thing but i just want to have a question answered:

Did someone got so far that their UTAU (mine is VCV) even made an A sound?

I tried various UTAU's but I don't know what i do wrong.

In an old tutorial, a user mentioned that we need STF files, is this true?

and don't come with the question if i opened it as an admin, i did and it works the same if i open it normally, it DOESN'T!
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Teto's Territory
It works fine for me, have you;

1) Got voicebanks loaded into it ( Settings > Preferences > UTAU Singers > Add )
2) Have a loaded resampler ( Settings > Preferences > Platform > resampler > Add )
3) Set the resampler as UTAU ( Track > Renderer > UTAU > Resampler )

Also some information on OS & Version e.t.c would be great ^^;


VCV ust's work fine for me, BUT some ust's just will not open.
I have no idea what STF files are, but, the default Cadencii files work with me.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
It works fine for me, have you;

1) Got voicebanks loaded into it ( Settings > Preferences > UTAU Singers > Add )
2) Have a loaded resampler ( Settings > Preferences > Platform > resampler > Add )
3) Set the resampler as UTAU ( Track > Renderer > UTAU > Resampler )

Everything made even looked after their data paths where they go etc.

EDIT: Some people CAN use v.connect even without a special made bank, is this even possible or just a lie?

Also some information on OS & Version e.t.c would be great ^^;

I have Windows 7 32bit version, everything is updated, system locale is set to Japanese, Norton doesn't want to intrude if i use Cadencii, so there is everything fine

VCV ust's work fine for me, BUT some ust's just will not open.

VCV ust's work fine with the VCV utaus i've tested

I have no idea what STF files are, but, the default Cadencii files work with me.

STF files are like frq files specially made for Cadencii, you get them from STRAIGHT X UTAU, a library you can download but since M.Morise is planing to develop it further he took the link down on his page.

EDIT: Some VCV ust's like Q or other fast songs appear to overlap some sounds if an utau sings in Cadencii so this is also a problem.


Teto's Territory

vConnect-STAND requires special banks, you need a converter to make the banks work.

Spoiler for vConnect stuff
vConnect-STAND doesn't read .WAV files, it only reads .vvd files. It also needs a vConnect.ini inside the voicebank folder to make sure you make it work.

There is a Ritsu Connect bank made for it, but, as I cannot open VCV ust's atm, I'm unable to test.

I know I have to convert CV ust's to VCV to make it work with them, so, that might help.

If you think STF files will help then you can try them, but personally i've not heard of / used them.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
There are two converters, StandConnect and Makeitconnect, i'm trying Standconnect after dinner


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
actually, v.Connect-STAND can read .wav files, for example Speedy torane. I tried it and it works fine for me although it doesnt sound good with my voicebank OTL.

try changing the location of your PC? not the locale.

read more instruction here: http://hal-the-cat.music.coocan.jp/ritsu_e.html

sorry for my english OTL


Teto's Territory
vConnect-STAND can read wav files with no problem. The thing is that Cadencii is EXTREMELY picky in terms of Preutterance and Overlap.

The fact that I could make Speedy sing without slurring in Cadencii is because Speedy's VCV is encoded in a way that the Preutterance and Overlap values are always the same for ALL the OTO entries. As an example, all his entries have 300 for Preutterance and 100 for Overlap. When I load him on Cadencii, I select all the notes (which must be in VCV format, like "a か" and "e の") and on the left screen, I set the Preutterance and Overlap to 300 and 100, respectively. That way, I'm telling Cadencii that all the notes must have that value. Since it matches the values of the bank, it doesn't slur or cut syllabes. Super short notes do get cut still, though.

Most VCV UTAUs I've seen don't have a constant value for their Preutterance and Overlap settings, specially on the vowels. It's not a "wrong" way of OTOing, it's just different. That may be why you can't make some banks sing properly.

Also, Cadencii won't work well with any CV banks. CV banks have several different values for Preutterance and Overlap throughout the OTO, so it's EXTREMELY difficult to make a CV UTAU sing properly in Cadencii. So focus your experiments on VCV UTAUs.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Also i wanted to ask if you see like THOSE numbers if something is synthesizing in Cadencii (see attachment)
I'm just curious that i do something wrong...

BTW: I've made a seperate bank with vvd files from the Standconnect converter i'm waiting for it to load and i have FastSpeedy's idea with it. I'll edit it as soon as it loads!

EDIT!!: So i tried 3.5.1 version and there it works!!! There are still those big second numbers but it PLAYS WONDERFULLY!!!! Thanks to all who made this possible with their tips and ideas!!!! I'm so happy right now !!!! *sending virtual hugs to everyone here*


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Karma Drak-pa

Teto's Territory
FastSpeedy said:
The fact that I could make Speedy sing without slurring in Cadencii is because Speedy's VCV is encoded in a way that the Preutterance and Overlap values are always the same for ALL the OTO entries. As an example, all his entries have 300 for Preutterance and 100 for Overlap. When I load him on Cadencii, I select all the notes (which must be in VCV format, like "a か" and "e の") and on the left screen, I set the Preutterance and Overlap to 300 and 100, respectively. That way, I'm telling Cadencii that all the notes must have that value. Since it matches the values of the bank, it doesn't slur or cut syllabes. Super short notes do get cut still, though.
You can also select all note and go in "Lyrics" > "Apply UTAU Parameters" and it automaticaly set the preutterance and the overlap for all notes according to the UTAU's oto.ini, and it's useful if you don't have regular oto.ini~

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