Problems Downloading a Specific Voicebank


Founder of The Church of Mawarine Shuu
Defender of Defoko
or rather banks by a specific user.

I have been trying to download Kimine and Akiharu Kiichigo for god knows how long, the first time around was a locale issue on my end which I fixed, though it was a long time ago and afterwards when I downloaded them they for some reason wouldn't play.

BUT recently I tried downloading their latest voicebanks and for some reason, when I unzip them, there is just another zip file inside. And when I unzip that one, there's another one.

And another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another...

You get the idea. I've never had this problem with any other bank, and all my other ones work fine. I tried downloading their 2nd most recent banks, but I couldn't find their links.

If anyone has any solutions or could possibly just share the banks with me I would highly appreciate it. Thank you

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