Voicebank Riki Sixton


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
SpanishPandaHero submitted a new Showcase Item:

Riki Sixton

Riki doesn't care about their pronouns.

They're cheerful and very hyperactive. Riki appears to be a perv only for disturb other people, but in fact they hate sex, they only do it for protect themself from the other people 'cause they think that they aren't tall and also that they're weak.
They are fragile and it's really easy hurting them emotionally. (But Riki never will tell this.)
They enjoy to draw a lot of attention to themself. They're a little bit masochistic.
Riki doesn't like to fight (they're pacifist) and isn't an organized person.

  • ITEM:
Photographic camera and peaches in syrup.

Spanish - Human

· They're one possible outcome if both (Koru Fivet and Kori Twelves) were just one person.
· They were model on some fashion magazines.
· They identify themself as genderfluid (agender-male-female. Although the "agender" feel stay more than the female or male one.) They don't have a pronouns preference, so they use the first pronoun that comes to their mind when they're talking -> Though I think on english this hardly ever is a problem, right?). However, they don't usually feel as a "gender" itself.
· Their voice can be use for both male range or female range (because their voice range allows it: A2-F6)
· They can play the guitar.
· One of their hobbies is taking landscape photos.
· They have height complex.

· Koru Fivet (A possible outcome if they were 2 separated persons.)
· Namine Ritsu (Idol.)
· Kori Twelves (A possible outcome if they were 2 separated persons.)
· Nairu Kyoukine (Friend)
· Ela Teino (Friend)
· Jack Yasashine (Friend)
· Yu Sevens (Fellow member from "The Chaotic Time" band.)
· Eita Eleven (Fellow member from "The Chaotic Time" band.)
· Haru Threet (Fellow member from "The Chaotic Time" band.)

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