Seeking Duet Partners & Lurver :U


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
It's been a while but I figure one of the best ways to get back into UTAU is by having some duets set up and ready for Youtube. o3 o So, here she is, ready to be presented for friends and possibly a lover. Just click her to go to her Wiki page.

Voice sample:

For specs on the lover aspect, it's preferred that the utau be a;
.Deep-ish voice
.Around her age/a little older

As far as friends and duets, I'm not picky, I promise. ; w;


Teto's Territory
Nu I have an utau. He is being called kaigo Sahin and he is 19 years old. He has a deep voice for C3 and he is Turkish/Dutch ;u; uhm I'm still working on he's character and outfit but this is he's temporary outfit


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Bahhh I've been bad and disappeared a little but but I'm back now. >:U

Pichu! Long time no talk, I've been pretty well. How about you? C:

Awww, well I'll definitely get to that, then! I've been listening to a lot of vocaloid songs and have been itching to make a new one again..The only difficulty is finding an artist. ;w ;

And I'm loving all of their voices, oh my goodness. o Ao PÄN's deep voice, amg. <3 I really want to use him.

RainbowNyan- Ooooh, I like him! :0 I'll definitely try him out one of these days~

Airi- Amagawsh, thank you. ;A ; I was so scared that some of the tones I had to record would sound weird, especially some of the 'R's as I can't say one without rolling it. ; w;