Voicebank Tree Sounds+treesounds(fe)


Defender of Defoko
Tree Sounds submitted a new Showcase Item:

Tree Sounds

Tree is everything you need for an un-otoed 5 pitch cvvc Japanese bank, and Spanish (CV 1 Pitch is otoed). His range is very nice lowest pitch recorded at an f2 and highest at an f4 (they are in increments). PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU OTO HIM PLEASE SEND ME (THE CREATOR) THE OTO SO EVERYONE HAS IT, I WILL CREDIT YOU. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN OTOING THEM PLEASE DIRECT MESSAGE ME.

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Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
I would like to, again, point out that the art looks very much like it's traced. I'm not saying that it necessarily is, but it's pretty suspicious looking, and it's kinda suspicious how you didn't respond to me when I pointed that out last.
OH sorry, I didn't see your comment, but no he isn't traced, I just don't have a drawing tablet so I have to use my mouse which is why I use 1 pixel thick lines, but it is heavily referenced from one of my friends drawings. (but no I did not trace it)

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