UtaQuest (phase 1, finding the setting of our quest)


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Welcome to UtaQuest, which is a very creative name yes I know.

What is UtaQuest? It is an attempt on having a quest-like story going on on this forum. I tried before, but due to poor planning on my side it just never really worked out. I let the idea rest for a while, and now I'm bringing it back, but differently. This UtaQuest (and others that might come after it) will have 4 different phases. These are:

1: Decide on the setting
2: Decide on the plot
3: Character pitching
4: The actual writing

I will always keep the thread notified on what phase we are currently in, with a detailed explanation on that phase.

Quick descriptions are important too though, so here they are:

Phase 1 is all about deciding on a setting for the story. You as member of this forum can contribute to this, by posting your ideas or commenting on the ideas of others. We move out of this phase if we can agree on a setting or if I find a setting I do really, really like.

Phase 2 is finding a plot within the setting we already decided on. A plot is like a goal. The ending point of our quest, so to say. It works the same as phase 1, except that the plot must fit into the setting.

Phase 3 is probably what you guys do best. When we decided on both setting and plot, you can suggest characters for me to use. These characters must be UTAUs and can of course be your own. Any character suggestions before or after this phase will not be included in the story so be careful!

Phase 4 is when the actual writing begins. I post chapter 1 and you guys post suggestions on how to go from the end of that chapter. From that I write chapter 2 and so on. We dom this until our goal has been reached.

If we completed these phases, the completed story will be posted on AO3 and Utafic.

Right now, we are in Phase 1.

What's to be done in UtaQuest right now? Deciding on a setting for our first quest! A setting can be a place, real or not real, you think would be fun. It can be of any size, for instance a setting can be an abandoned mansion, but also a foreign country. This setting can be made up by you, or come from an existing franchise, making our quest a crossover.

On crossovers, these are the franchises I am comfortable with and would write a quest in:
- Pokemon
- Final Fantasy
- Kingdom Hearts
- Night Vale

If we will do something original, there are no limits to what I can do with setting.

If you have no concrete idea, but still want to contribute, you can either reply to the suggestions other people make or post whatever is going through your head right now.

Please remember that the setting does not need to be modern, and that setting does not automatically define genre!

Also, if you have questions, feel free to ask them, I will try my best to reply to you as quickly as possible!


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Hmm... That would sure be interesting to write... Any other cool ideas?


Defender of Defoko
Somebody arrives claiming to be the husband/wife of one of the characters, but has perhaps sinister motives...*shrug*