【UTAU Cover】Re:birthed【VISTA • KAISA】


Teto's Territory

NicoVideo: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1467215007

■曲 / Music:ひとしずく×やま△
■絵 / Illustrator:鈴ノ助
■動画 / Movie:TSO(とさお)&VAVA(ヴァヴァ)
■Original video: (www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4C7S-UmPpo)
■UST by half a head

Decided to post an UTAU cover of my UTAU KAISA singing with Lei's UTAU, Vista. CV life is the only life I live. This song was pretty cool so I wanted to cover it with both of the lovelies.

I don't own anything but KAISA.