UTAU design suggestions?

Lee / Sambutt

Apollo's Polka-Dotted Socks
I'm having trouble designing one of my new UTAUs. He's a moody, lazy, caffeine-addicted shadow being with a lower (we're talking second octave) voice.

Ikrar Fatur R

Momo's Minion
don't sleep for a day when you recording, VB first then the art, because you don't know what her/him voice sound in the UTAU, may don't match the art. eye bag will work fine.


Founder of The Church of Mawarine Shuu
Defender of Defoko
I'd suggest mostly comfy clothes like sweatpants and hoodies for a lazy character. Also messy hair and as howlingwolf suggested, eye bags. Freckles would also bring out those eye bags

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