Utau design


Momo's Minion
I'm kind of bored and so I was just gonna tune usts... but
I made a voicebank recently and and not very good at fashion or anything...so you can submit a design.(It doesn't have to be quality art or anything just a design)

If you want me to tune a ust also tell me what utau to use in it
I can do cv otos (in utau synth ;n:wink:
I can mix well


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
mini note: UTAU-synth OTOs are almost useless, as they'll only be usable by other UTAU-synth users

I found this out when my first Chinese VB was reported OTO-less


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
I have time to sketch a few designs? I'm not the best artist so I suppose you don't want me to make the boxart.
this is my deviantart -> Megahime on deviantART

If you have a sample of your UTAUloid and shizzles (like colours you like, fashion-styles you like,her age,...) I would like to try to sketch something :3

I typed HER, cause I can't draw boys. If it's a HE. Please ignore my comment and carry on xD