
SELENA Developer
Defender of Defoko
Well this is the first time I am announcing this publicly so you probably didn't know about this. The game is called "Twinkle's Adventure". Twinkle is actually not an UTAU, but is in a different sense. Anyways, the game focuses on her and her partner, not a romantic partner btw, Shimmer. The plot is that an evil dog king stole all of the cookies in the world and Twinkle with the help of Shimmer has to save them. Now you are probably thinking "wtf how is this related to UTAU". Well there are going to be UTAU in the game and you have to do side quests and other things. The reason this classifies as an UTAU game and not a random game with UTAU characters is that the voicebanks will be used in the game.
More Info On Twinkle: http://cottonloids.wikia.com/wiki/Twinkle
If you want your UTAU to make an appearance in this just ask and we can work something out.
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SELENA Developer
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Okay so I'm still working on the sprites and scenes along with the text bars. But once those are done the game should be done soon after that.