Vocal fries?


Defoko's Slaves
Defender of Defoko
All I know is you gotta be super precise with them
They could either sound really nice
Not so nice better okay
Or like a squeaky door hinge


Founder of The Church of Mawarine Shuu
Defender of Defoko
Well you either record the way you'd record a normal sample but with a fry at the beginning, or the end. ( 'or い')

Ex: https://clyp.it/brjyq1zf

Or like a transition between vowels like an "a' い" where the "a" would fade into a fry, which fades into an "i" if that makes sense.

Most people just record fries for vowel and n sounds, but I suppose you could do more if you wanted
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i've recorded an entire vcv pitch that's a vocal fry. and yeah you record it just like in racconbutler's sample^.
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