Well...Hey people. =3


Teto's Territory
I'm TheDrunkRecruit, I hang around VO usually, and now I'm here also.
I'm quite new to UTAU and such.
I've been wanting to use it for a long time, so I made use of the time that VO was down, and made my first one. ^_^

Raiden Ryouki


Super Hero
(Made by stormylullaby or Stormy♬ on VO, when helping with my OTO and such)

He's my first attempt, so don't hurt me. ^_^
He doesn't have a design or anything like that at the moment, because I fail at that.

So....yeah.....Hi =3


Teto's Territory
Hey!Hello! :3 Welcome!
I'm a newbie too, but here I am...trying to learn something, so I can try making my own UTAU.
Oh well, Raiden has such a deep and strong voice! Congratulations, its very good! ^^
Hope you to have fun here, with us! :D


Teto's Territory
Welcome to the gang x3
And alas, we have another manly UTAU among us! Hooray! We aren't lonely anymore. xD

You'll always have fun here of course. ^^