Yuumei Ekiguchi


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
[hs width=100 height=100]http://oi48.tinypic.com/35n9gcy.jpg[/hs]
Name & Name Meaning: Ekiguchi Yuumei
She usually goes just by Yuumei which, in Japanese, means 'Famous'. It can also mean 'Super Star'. Her first name suits her well due to the fact that a little bit of attention from more than a handful of people sometimes gets to her head. It also serves as a life long goal, that being that she, obviously, would like to be famous and will put all of her energy into getting there the only way she knows how.
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Country of Origin: Ireland
UTAU Series: VALKYloid
Voice Type: Mellow, Feminine
Optimum Range: C3-C5? (Those are the only ranges I've experimented with ;;orz)
Encoding: Romaji & Hiragana
Aliases: Yes
Voicebank Type: CV
Preconfigured OTO: Yes
Appends/Multiple Banks: CV Act 2, CV Act 1
Best Resamplers+flags: CV Act2: fresamp, flags: F0H05Y10T80, CV Act1: resamp, no flags tested
Languages: Japanese, supports English
Voicebank Download:ACT1˜…  ACT2
Mini gallery Here
Voice examples:


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Please don't kill me. ; v; Just wanted to have this open for any updates on her CV voicebank that will be coming up.(Because the last time I saw this thread, it was taking a while to be accepted ;-; ) Hopefully that's soon.