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Recent content by ali_cee

  1. ali_cee

    Aimi V2 VCV is in the works for Project BiYAN! (Context: BiYAN currently uses Aimi V1 CV from...

    Aimi V2 VCV is in the works for Project BiYAN! (Context: BiYAN currently uses Aimi V1 CV from 2013) I have another VB I'll be using alongside it for the next Archive and I am excited! Anyway, here's a peek at the "official" art once I have the brain to upload the VBs! :')
  2. ali_cee

    Bi↺YAN - ビビデバ (Bibbidiba) | [UTAUカバー]

    I couldn't sleep again... :sobbing: This was pleasant though!
  3. ali_cee

    Bi↺YAN - Rabbit Hole | [UTAUカバー]

    I couldn't sleep, so I did this. It was very fun (minus the weird peaking) BiYAN I beg- :annoyed:
  4. ali_cee

    Open Art Drawings 4 free

    (To add images, you click the little painting icon next to the link icon, or you can do the media button next to the GIF button) I don't know how many images you can add though, haven't looked into that haha but hope it helps! c:
  5. ali_cee

    "she screm" - all of my friends in VC when I showed them this [ATTACH]

    "she screm" - all of my friends in VC when I showed them this
  6. ali_cee

    Count to 20,000

  7. ali_cee

    Took a stab at checking it, roughly 175 is what I was getting, and it doesn't sound too off: [MEDIA]

    Took a stab at checking it, roughly 175 is what I was getting, and it doesn't sound too off:
  8. ali_cee

    sadness breeds silliness [MEDIA]

    sadness breeds silliness
  9. ali_cee

    Finshing up two covers for BiYAN, at some point I should probably do something for UTAU wiki but...

    Finshing up two covers for BiYAN, at some point I should probably do something for UTAU wiki but i am eepy plus dunno how really. /shrug Also Fukkireta is just so fun to mess with hehe EDIT : :love: bean
  10. ali_cee

    The Song That plays when you go to Momone Momo's Download Website

    I don't hear a song when the website loads, if that's what you mean? The SoundCloud near the bottom is keyword and there are a few other songs down there, so maybe it's an autoplay feature? I would scroll down and see if it's one of those songs autoplaying on your browser. :)
  11. ali_cee

    Does anyone have a 天才ロック (Tensai rock) ust?

    Glad yah got it! :) Have fun~
  12. ali_cee

    Does anyone have this UST/can make this UST?

    You might want to add a readme.txt for information on how to credit for using the UST, unless you're comfortable with people just using "Rosy" ^^ (mainly because I also fell in love with the song, and kinda wanna cover it too now hehe, wanna make sure to give proper credits!)
  13. ali_cee

    Does anyone have a 天才ロック (Tensai rock) ust?

    Did you try this one: sm32238738 The link is up top in the description :) (Go to the download page, scroll down, and it's Genius Rock.zip) If you need help (just in case), clicking the zip will bring you to this page: The katakana button says "Download" (near the bottom of the screenshot)...
  14. ali_cee

    Critique Requested Bi↺YAN - Nameless Song | [UTAUカバー]

    Ah, Audacity has real-time effects now! REAPER is one of the plug-ins that can be used, and what I'm installing as of right now funny enough! I've considered using a DAW but it's a bit difficult for me to process things as they render (it's hard to explain). If REAPER is a standalone DAW though...