Recent content by Hanakotoba(はなことば)

  1. Hanakotoba(はなことば)

    Introductions: Asking for your aid <3

    Thank you so much guys! Please keep sharing it with your friends! OwO
  2. Hanakotoba(はなことば)

    Introductions: Asking for your aid <3

    Omigosh that'd be plenty of help! And no, it's fine! I want to survey the UTAU community and gather data from different sides of it as much as possible! It wouldn't be much of a survey if I was trying to direct it into something I was biased towards after all! Thank you thank youuuuu!!! >///////<
  3. Hanakotoba(はなことば)

    Introductions: Asking for your aid <3

    b-bump If you guys could share this to other members, I'd be very grateful!
  4. Hanakotoba(はなことば)

    Introductions: Asking for your aid <3

    Omigosh thank you guys! Please share this to your friends so I may be able to gather more data!! If my professor allows me I'll share the paper when it's done!... and if I'm not too ashamed of it tehe
  5. Hanakotoba(はなことば)

    Introductions: Asking for your aid <3

    Hi! I'm Hanakotoba. I like anime, food, and art!! And I love music most of all. ^v^ I've been a lurker for a long time in this community now, and I didn't really think of getting deeper into the community other than that... But with recent happenings in my life, I've been slowly getting...