Recent content by Wii Fit Trainer

  1. Wii Fit Trainer

    Super Smash Bros. 3DS

    Who watches streamers play Smash. That seems so counter productive
  2. Wii Fit Trainer

    My first status. Hi, lets get a good exercise!

    My first status. Hi, lets get a good exercise!
  3. Wii Fit Trainer

    Looking to cover an English song to cover w/Utau

    (especially cheerleader omg)
  4. Wii Fit Trainer

    Opinions on cvvc Japanese ?

    I started thinking it was actually pointless, but after messing with it and giving it a chance, I found it easier to record and it gives incredibly nice and flexible results.
  5. Wii Fit Trainer

    Do you use your utau for special little things?

    I don't often sell things on ebay, but when I do, I write a little card saying I hope they enjoy their product, and I draw a little picture of my utau in the corner. I do the same with personal letters sometimes. idk little things like this make me happy and was wondering if anyone else did...
  6. Wii Fit Trainer

    【Vocaloid Original】The Other Eye【Sonika】

    psssst I think this is hella rad
  7. Wii Fit Trainer

    【BAI-F0】ERROR (Arrange)【UTAU】

    The arrange sounds p great, I like it! Good job!
  8. Wii Fit Trainer

    UTAU English VCCV 2015

    I really like how this is coming so far, I can't wait for the end result and see people using the oto's and producing banks like this Question, this may seem silly, but what's going on in the bottom of the utau? I thought it was maybe pitch but I see the pitch with the notes. I've never seen...
  9. Wii Fit Trainer

    League of Legends

    ooh ooh, role call Top: Cho'gath (Least Favorite lane) Mid: Ziggs/Orianna (I play tons of mid laners but my mains would be these two) Adc: Caitlyn/Jinx/Sivir (Prefered Adc's) Support: Leona/Lulu (Though Janna is hella fun, she's not one I rely on) Jungle: Vi/Trying to pick up Trundle and Sejuani...
  10. Wii Fit Trainer

    Opinions on Selling UTAU-related Stuff?

    I honestly think this would get some people more eager to do it themselves though, seeing some people make money off of stuff like tuning and stuff could get people thinking, "Maybe I could do that one day" and they'll practice over and over. I've actually seen some people do stuff like that...
  11. Wii Fit Trainer

    League of Legends

    Anyone ever get carried by a Soraka top? That was the funniest thing ever and I will never forget that
  12. Wii Fit Trainer

    Opinions on Selling UTAU-related Stuff?

    I think that'd be really cute. Little merchandise of these Utaus would be adorable and such, and hey, even though they're being sold for those particular Utaus, you can often find people who think that a keychain or sticker of that Utau is super cute or something and they'll buy (I went through...
  13. Wii Fit Trainer

    Resource Sandr's Spanish CV VC Reclist

    Apologies if this comes off rude, but I can't really tell what's being said. Though I looked at the readme and it makes pretty good sense to me. The only thing I might suggest changing would be the r samples. I'm glad you added them there cuz I entirely forgot about that one, but maybe putting...
  14. Wii Fit Trainer

    Where to find motivation to record

    So I've been on the track and wanted to give my utau a cvvc english bank, but everytime I start recording I lose motivation and rarely get far. Is there anything y'all do to get motivated to keep it up? (Gonna need tons of advice cuz I kinda wanted to make it tri-pitch)