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Single Reclist Extended CV Reclist

Not exactly anything new, but I've seen a heck of a lot of... odd tanzoku CV reclists floating around.

Here is the one I use, with my extra list appended to the end of it. It includes VCV vowels (VVs) for extra smoothness, but really you don't need to do anything special with them. Just keep a consistent overlap and use the spectrogram to find the end of the first vowel, and the beginning of the pure second... I'll probably draw up a graphic to make that clearer later.

Delete my notes before you open in OREMO.


White: Necessary
Blue: Optional, but really useful so I encourage recording them.
Yellow: Extra, mostly for smoother experience with forcing other languages. Pick your poison.

a i u e o n

ka ki ku ke ko
sa shi su se so
ta chi tsu te to
na ni nu ne no
ha hi fu (note: the Japanese F is a H/F hybrid) he ho
ma mi mu me mo
ya yu ye yo
ra ri ru re ro
wa wi we wo

ga gi gu ge go
za ji zu ze zo
da de do
ba bi bu be bo
pa pi pu pe po

kya kyu kye kyo
nya nyu nye nyo
hya hyu hye hyo
mya myu mye myo
rya ryu rye ryo
gya gyu gye gyo
ja ju je jo
bya byu bye byo
pya pyu pye pyo

sha shu she sho
cha chu che cho
tsa tsi tse tso

ti tu
di du
si zi

la li lu le lo
fa fi fe fo
va vi vu ve vo

rra rri rru rre rro (note: rolled Rs)
nga ngi ngu nge ngo
kwa kwi kwe kwo
swa swe swo
nwa nwi nwe nwo
mwa mwi mwe mwo
rwa rwi rwe rwo

gwa gwi gwe gwo
zwa zwe zwo
dza dzi dzu dze dzo
bwa bwi bwe bwo
pwa pwi pwe pwo

(note: the" ' " just makes it easier to read. If you're not versed in VCV, you say it fluidly, like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uu163qeyma2bbhh/aaiaueaG3.wav
Where there are two of the same vowel next to each other, please do take the time to sound them BOTH out, not just one.)

And there you have it. Good luck!
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