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Search results

  1. WhereDoUGetOff

    Closed Art OTO Art of your UTAU or OC (or whatever else) for jp 2 mora CVVC OTO

    Hello I'm Ryker and I'm currently looking for someone to oto my CVVC voicebank for my ARTIFICIALLY TTS SOURCED utau. I have all of the vocal samples recorded and even edited a few to help get rid of the pauses cause I think I should've. I have no experience in CVVC at all so I was hoping to get...
  2. WhereDoUGetOff

    Curious question.

    Has anyone figured out how to run UTAU or OU on 3DS? It sounds like a silly question but I'm currently diving into console homebrews and wondered if this is at all possible. Id assume with the right formatting coding, and of course an SD card it just might but I'm unsure cause of how dependent...
  3. WhereDoUGetOff

    Voicebanks with a southern/country accent of any kind?

    Hey! I've been looking into english utaus with different accents and as someone who comes from Tennessee and was born and raised in the south I thought it'd be interesting if I could find any with an accent or dialect. I just can't seem to find any so if anyone of yall could link some that you...
  4. WhereDoUGetOff

    phonemizer help

    I'm using a CV vb that has additional phonemes to help with pronunciation such as "a*, a R, a -". Does anyone have any phonemizers that can replace those notes with the ones my CV vb has like how I've shown an example. I find it very tiring going through and replacing each note so a phonemizer I...
  5. WhereDoUGetOff


    I basically did a full scale introduction in my bio so I'll just copy n paste that and reiterate and add a few things!!! Hello we're The Mechanical Hands Collective aka Ryker! We use it/it's, are 17, and are a senior in highschool. We're an OSDD system and have auDHD so do keep that in mind...
  6. WhereDoUGetOff

    Resampler recs for Trem

    Hey so I'm using the first English vb Trem and I was wondering which resampler and flags would work best for her? I would use moresampler but it doesn't work for some reason :(