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Search results

  1. ArrowKishi

    Open Art OTO Art for VCV oto

    Thank you! I'll PM you (or add on Discord, if you prefer) And thank you too! I do have a Twitter account but I have no clue on how that site works - may I PM you?
  2. ArrowKishi

    Open Art OTO Art for VCV oto

    I've been on hiatus for 2 years already, otoing was a stressful and time consuming job for me back then and it's even more now that I have lesser time to spend on it. I used to enjoy making covers and videos, I kinda miss them. So, I came to the conclusion I needed to seek some help and offer my...
  3. ArrowKishi

    Multilingual Favorite Vocaloid Medley I [Closed / Full]

    Option 1, 2, or 3?: 1 Artist name: FlyingCaptainArrow / Shiwa Name of UTAU: RAIDON Song: 48. Hakumei (Twilight/Die Young) Language: Italian Sample of UTAU: Transparent Artwork: http://www.mediafire.com/view/cccwrsx0153x4a2/Raidon%20concept%2021-06-2015.png How can we contact you?: Here...
  4. ArrowKishi

    [NEW] A Song for Everyone

    I have an English bank, it's released as a "beta-test" (since there are still some things to edit on the oto) but it's still usable (?) if someone want (and If it's valid as entry) VB name: RAIDON VB sample: SoundCloud VB language: English VB download: Check the description or here Preferred...
  5. ArrowKishi

    Help me out! Send me art of YOUR UTAU (plural)

    That's a good Idea! I have some UTAU (plural) available if you want (?) RAIDON: http://www.mediafire.com/view/cccwrsx0153x4a2/Raidon%20concept%2021-06-2015.png Karu Kishi: http://www.mediafire.com/view/xyi99dk9d4yyb07/karu%20concept%20old.png Kisoji Kishi...
  6. ArrowKishi

    UTAU VCCV voicebank directory

    Added the download link and changed the sample song! RAIDON - created by ArrowKishi voicebank download sample song
  7. ArrowKishi

    UTAU VCCV voicebank directory

    I made a sample song for RAIDON:
  8. ArrowKishi

    can do stuff for mmd commission

    Of course! here are some of my mmd videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIrdqims5xM (old models remastered for Kisoji's 2nd anniversary) (Newly released pack) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtyGVZlNhwQ (Test video) Well, It seems quite... not hard nor easy a normal difficulty (because I...
  9. ArrowKishi

    can do stuff for mmd commission

    It doesn't look so hard. I can do it. I have 3 VBs that need an oto, 1 is a VCV, 1 is a VCCV (but that's still uncomplete) and 1 CVVC jp (but you said you can't do it) - all monopitch I don't make models from 0 with programs like metasequoia or blender, I use PMXeditor and parts found on...
  10. ArrowKishi

    UTAU VCCV voicebank directory

    I'm currently working on a VCCV bank, but it may take long since I'm slow on recording... Is it ok or I have to wait until is almost finished?
  11. ArrowKishi

    Do you speak another langauge?

    I could help you with Italian, It's my native language ~
  12. ArrowKishi

    UTAU English VCCV 2015

    I really admire your work. I'll definitly record a VCCV voicebank as soon as I can. It will be my first complete english voicebank omg and my first attempt to make utau sings in English omg I'm so exited
  13. ArrowKishi

    My UTAU is possessed, omg

    It works!!! Thank you very much!!
  14. ArrowKishi

    Share your UTAU.

    This is Raidon, the higest quality VB I've ever made (however, this isn't the only UTAU I have created) Pictures: Old Concept | Specular Nightmare (left) and White (right) version | MMD This is the wiki where you can download the CV 3.0 and the CVVC 4.0 versions (VCV 5.0 oto is not finished...
  15. ArrowKishi

    My UTAU is possessed, omg

    Oh my God I'ts done! I managed to install a newer version! It works good with most of the usts I have on my computer, except for two. One is that ust I used for the preview, the other one is from the ust set for Alice in Musicland which was "new" - I've never loaded it. I tried to delete the...
  16. ArrowKishi

    I need somebody to draw my UTAU.

    I offer °V° An example of my drawing skills: (it is a concept I made for one of my utaus) http://flyingcaptainarrow.deviantart.com/art/Kisoji-Kishi-concept-art-v2-UTAU-524877578 I'll send you an email as soon as possible :D
  17. ArrowKishi

    My UTAU is possessed, omg

    Well, my utau is ver0.4.17. I know I should use a newer version, but... It worked so fine until some days ago started to mess up all the syllables... Here's a sample: (I started converting the ust into CV VC, so the sample is half CV VC and half CV) And this voicebank (CV VC ita/JP) never...
  18. ArrowKishi

    I will use your UTAU

    Name: RAIDON Gender: officially genderfluid (but in fact the VB is female) Concept & Download: http://utau.wiki/utau:raidon (You'll need authorization, I'll give it as soon as possible -within 2 hours or few minutes)
  19. ArrowKishi

    GLIDE - Kisoji Kishi & RAIDON [UTAU x MMD]

    Well I recently updated Kisoji and Raidon's MMD models °w° Kisoji is the guy with black and red hair, the 2nd Humanloid, Raidon the one with black clothes, the 1st Kamiloid. Tell me what you think! :D