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  1. S

    UTAU Game Help and sign up [Visual Novel Project]

    Alright Ive started an UTAU project that I decided to finish. I've got most of the story written and done, but with this I also want to include other people's UTAU and have other people be able to be apart of this project. The story has already been planned, and the scripting will start once I...
  2. S

    [UTAU VCV demo] Clock Lock Works [Megan Shinaichi]

    [UTAU VCV demo] Clock lock works [Megan Shinaichi] +lyrics Happy Mother's Day
  3. S

    VCV oto tune up

    So I figured out what went wrong with the first track now I just need someone to go through and tune it up a little. For the most part it's good but I need someone else to check it. Thank you for reading. I'll post the download if someone replies. Please help Also I'll draw for you, or use your...
  4. S

    Need UTAU's for a fanfiction I'm writing

    Edit~ I have the name of the story now. It's going to be called Color our music, I'll focus on every UTAU in the different chapters. ;) Each chapter will be mostly about a different UTAU There will also be school clubs so if you want your UTAU in any clubs message me. So I suddenly got...
  5. S


    hi, so this is my first time joining this forum so I thought I'd introdice myself. My name is Megan, and I'm 17 years old. I like singing, art and of course UTAU/ Vocaloid things. I have an UTAU named Megan Shinaichi. I've been with the UTAU fandom for about one and a half years. I like drawing...