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  1. uncreepy

    How much to charge for English to Japanese song translation?

    Thank you so much for your reply. I ended up putting a lot of thought into it, comparing rates of Japanese translators, doing some math, and I finally came up with what I think my time is worth as you said. (I decided to charge per unique word, since songs repeat a lot.)
  2. uncreepy

    How much to charge for English to Japanese song translation?

    Hi, everyone. I need some advice. Someone wants to commission me to translate their original Vocaloid song into Japanese, but I don't know how much to charge. The person is a popular English Vocaloid producer. I worked with them about a year ago, but it was before I was into the vocal synth...
  3. uncreepy

    Mysterious Crypton Updates

    Another day, more news. I hope it's okay to reply under my own post. Wat's new tweet: 超歌舞伎、あはれ名作くんと、シンカリオンとの違いについて質問頂来ましたので、回答を。今までも藤田さんらの演技を使用させて頂いてますが、ミクっぽさを全面に出してました。一方今回は、初音ミク自体が演技をしているような見せ方で、声質もdarkやsolidのニュアンスが入っていて、よく荒ぶります I...
  4. uncreepy

    Translator here from Vocaloid Otaku

    Thanks, guys. ^^
  5. uncreepy

    Translator here from Vocaloid Otaku

    Hi, I'm uncreepy. I used to post translations at Vocaloid Otaku for Vocaloid-related news, especially providing translations of crypton_wat's tweets. I'm a newbie at producing music (trying to learn music theory). I'd like to try to learn a bit about UTAU, though. If anyone has juicy Vocaloid...
  6. uncreepy

    Mysterious Crypton Updates

    Hi, I'm uncreepy migrating from Vocaloid Otaku. Lots of big news, several new tweets. Tweet 1: 音声合成音を、人間の声の成分でコーティングする方法…もう少しで安定しそう…。 A method to coat the vocal synthesis sound with human voice components... just a little while...