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Search results

  1. Axiomatic-Vertex

    TDA Daitaine Toku ACT 6 MMD Model [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. Axiomatic-Vertex

    I'm leaving UtaForum

    hi I'm going to be leaving UF. I'm not leaving the UTAU community! The forums are great, but it's not too active and it's a bit stale. I've also had problems with toxic members as well. I really enjoyed giving people some help here, however! But for now, it's time for me to go :smile: @Hentai I...
  3. Axiomatic-Vertex

    Voicebank Daitaine Toku Act 6

    Axiomatic-Vertex updated Daitaine Toku Act 6 View updates to this showcase item...
  4. Axiomatic-Vertex

    What does your Utau's name mean?

    代替音 - Alternative sound. トク - Special not too imaginative but the name sounds nice :)
  5. Axiomatic-Vertex

    Missing UST collab sheet

    Ok so I've reopened the sheet, this time it's a passive request sheet, you can request or find or make USTs for songs that are obscure or that don't have USTs to them and put them here! Here's the link to it!
  6. Axiomatic-Vertex

    TDA Daitaine Toku ACT 6 MMD Model [Deleted]

    Axiomatic-Vertex submitted a new resource: TDA Daitaine Toku ACT 6 MMD Model - a MMD model of the lassie Read more about this resource...
  7. Axiomatic-Vertex

    Critique Requested 【MMD】テオ Teo【代替音トク (Daitaine Toku) ACT 6】

    kura kura kura kura kura kura
  8. Axiomatic-Vertex

    So I clicked on the location in my profile and I got this

    hehehehehe toku's presence in the community grows ever stronger also can you help find my brain tho
  9. Axiomatic-Vertex

    Voicebank Kanaka Tora

    The download page is a 404, can you fix it? Thanks!
  10. Axiomatic-Vertex

    The next generation of UTAU - changes we'd like to see

    I did this a few days ago: https://twitter.com/AxiomaticVertex/status/1299186660261806080
  11. Axiomatic-Vertex

    The next generation of UTAU - changes we'd like to see

    Really? I had no idea, I kept hearing that it's going to be unsupported soon and that UTAU won't be able to be used anymore as a result, I was completely wrong! But I still agree with the fact that UTAU should be using a newer or even different framework, simply because while VB6 is legacy and...
  12. Axiomatic-Vertex

    The next generation of UTAU - changes we'd like to see

    That's a good idea! I was thinking that users can make their own reclist dictionaries based on the voicebanks' oto files, maybe? I did mention that this would be a new resampler that was remade to do this sort of thing, not the resampler we already use. Hell yeah, rest notes suck like hell The...
  13. Axiomatic-Vertex

    The next generation of UTAU - changes we'd like to see

    tempo is here, yeah it's kinda hard to see: also I didn't think about the resampler situation either, that's a really good point.
  14. Axiomatic-Vertex

    The next generation of UTAU - changes we'd like to see

    Hi! I'm here to discuss some features and changes that I, and you, would like to see in the next major version of UTAU. I am aware that this subject has been discussed before, and I would like to bring it up again. So let's begin. Change 1: instant rendering yes obviously this would be...
  15. Axiomatic-Vertex

    Toku fanclub

    nono it's cool honestly lol here's a screenshot, it's easier to explain:
  16. Axiomatic-Vertex

    everyone loves Toku and that makes me happy :D

    everyone loves Toku and that makes me happy :D
  17. Axiomatic-Vertex

    Toku fanclub

    Yokune why can't I see your signature? you're supposed to be worshipping Toku and you dare defy
  18. Axiomatic-Vertex

    Open an MMD model for Toku

    no it's cool! I'm trying to make a model of her myself now, which is both fun and painful at the same time