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acme iku

  1. Yomi

    Open Is there anyone willing to oto my (acme iku inspired) cv voicebank?

    Hi I know I asked this before but I think it was in the wrong thread.. Anyway I have recorded a voicebank I was inspired my Acme iku and wanted to make a weird (kind of hentai sounding) bank. Btw her name is Breezy please is there anyone? I can't pay anything as I don't have any thing like that...
  2. Yomi

    Looking for someone to oto NSFW voicebank

    Hello! I'm new here. Well I just got a ero voicebank recorded (it was inspired by Acme Iku) I don't know if I'm allowed to ask it here, but anyways.. I don't know how to oto the voicebank or at least make it sound good :/ Anyone with experience would be a great help! Please DM me if it's...
  3. Kannade

    Guess who received exclusivity from StudioS for a VCV acme iku voicebank?

    Yes! its happening! Finally receive a positive response from studioS to release this voicebank in the near future, stay tuned. this has been a huge project of mine - Acme Iku Multipitch VCV- . Listen to the current version of her voice (still under development)...
  4. CamCamera

    [UTAU] Two Faced Lovers [Acme Iku]

    SONG/LYRICS: wowaka ENG LYRICS: ? (Project Diva) UST: Azuralunar ART/TUNE/MIX: CamCameraP UTAU: Acme Iku
  5. CamCamera

    [UTAU] High Range Test [Acme Iku/阿久女イク]

    SONG/LYRICS: KimurawaiP UST: Lasaillax TUNING/MIX/ART: CamCameraP